Gone are the days when you needed to have a single skillset to make a happy and successful life for yourself. You could be just a professional electrician and would never have to learn customer psychology or anything else for that matter, and you would have gotten along just fine. Those were simpler times. But now the times have changed. The same skill set that used to do the trick doesn’t do it anymore. There are a couple of characteristics that you need to have if you want to become a successful electrician and run a successful business along. Without these skills, you will be lost, and you might not achieve your goals of success, fame, or wealth. This can bring you down physically, as well as emotionally.

We have compiled a list of characteristics so that you can understand their importance. You shouldn’t worry if you feel as if you don’t have some of these traits. They can be learned with time. Most of the professional electricians don’t even know about this when they are just starting. Their actual training begins on the job. They learn how to handle customers, be jovial and positive, handle the bills, and everything that comes along. As they keep on learning these new found skills, they become more capable and garner the trust and respect of their customers. Some companies teach these skills to their employees. But even if you find that your company focuses on these skills, you can learn them on your own quickly.

Qualities of a Good Electrician​

So, without further ado, you will get briefed on some of these qualities. If you don’t have them, you can learn to develop these qualities in time. These qualities cover a full spectrum of characteristics and traits that are going to help you succeed as an electrician and as a service provider in general. If you want to learn the actual skills of a professional electrician, there are courses, diplomas, and classes that can teach you those skills in a small amount of time.  

1. Intellectual Ability

These are the essential skills that you need to possess to become good at your job. We are not talking about a degree or a diploma. This is just the basic stuff that you must know. 

·       Mathematics and Algebra

You don’t have to be Einstein or Stephen Hawking. But you do need to have an understanding of algebra. With all the electricity formulas that you will need to consider, this knowledge will help you out in the long run and give you an edge over those who don’t. 

·       Reading Comprehensively

There is reading, and then there is reading comprehension. You will be reading a lot of different materials like blueprints, documents, and memos, manuals, among other things. You will need the ability to read them and understand the underlying meaning. If you can do that, you will automatically save a lot of time that could have been wasted by reading the instructions wrong.

·       Writing and Composition Skills

It goes without saying that if you are reading and understanding blueprints and documents, then there will come a time when you will have to write them. So be ready for it.

·       Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

This is one of the essential skills that you need to become good at your job. When you are on the post, you will have to take data, observe the environment, understand the situation, and then make decisions based on your collected data.  

2. Business Understanding

Whether you have your own business or you are an employee, you need to have at least a basic understanding of the market. If you are an employee, there will come a time when you may have your own business.

·       Time Management

Your ability to give a deadline for each job and finish it at the allotted time will help you gain respect and propel you forward. This skill is highly valuable and very difficult to master. If you become an expert, you will have a high demand. 

·       Team Work and People Management

Another essential skill is to manage a team of people, whether you are the leader or you are part of the team. It would be best if you built long term relationships with the team to work better and faster.

·       Customer Service

You need to know how to handle the customers. You have to be courteous, help them, and guide them through their problems and towards an ideal solution.

3. Interpersonal Skills

·       Communication Skills

There are different ways of saying the same thing, and you need to find out the right one. What you say makes an impact. Therefore you need to be careful about your choice of words.

·       Active Listening

Communication is more about listening and understanding than talking. This skill is not so easy to come by, so it is imperative to work hard on it.

·       Instructing

In the beginning, you will be taking instructions from others, but there will come a time when you will be the one giving the instructions. It would be best if you learned to lead.

·       Observation Skills and Empathy

If you are to become a professional electrician one day, you will need the power of intuitiveness. You have to learn to observe others and know before time how they will react to a particular situation and what they will say.

4. Knowledge of Safety Codes

This is one of the most essential traits of a professional electrician. No matter where you are working, you need to remember the safety codes. These aren’t just for memorization, as you also need to implement them in your company.

5. “Character” Traits and Ethics

These are the personal character skills that you need to develop in yourself if you want your career to be a long and successful one. These traits include dependability, honesty, truthfulness, endurance, patience, and self-control. These will make sure that you give people the best service and guidance possible, and it will increase their trust and faith in you.


Whether you have these skills or not, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you can start working on them today and develop these skills in due time. Someone who has possesses all or some of these traits will be considered as the perfect electrician.


Besides blogging, the writer manages french cuisine during the day and makes art on glass or metal for a living.


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