Before we can think of modern ways of water supply, we know that our ancestors used to fetch water from wells. They had to walk miles on foot to the well to get water for the rest of the day. It was a difficult thing to do as people were waiting for their turn and carrying out their daily chores. With the evolution of technology and lifestyle, the trouble of walking miles to get water is no more. Water is a basic necessity of life, and one cannot survive without it for long.

When techniques of efficient water supply came to knowledge, many water well owners installed pumps to pull the water from underground and supply it through pipelines. Keeping the pump running becomes a tricky task, especially in summers, as the water levels underground reduce, and there is not enough pressure to pull the water through. With the concept of water pressure tank installation, the water well owners are now efficiently providing water to surrounding areas. A pressure tank not only regulates the water supply, but it also gives you instant access to well water. It is helpful in the reduction of frequent on and off of pump cycling, maintains the lifespan of the pump for a long time.

Here are a few things that might prove to be helpful and are necessary to know.

Document everything

Owning well and supplying water is not an easy task. It would be best if you document everything to get easy access to maintenance services. Every water system has a particular code to follow in terms of documents. Keeping relevant documents like driller reports in a safety bag near the pump panel provides easy access. Even your service technician will not agree to work unless he sees the papers and license. Keep your documents updated and at an accessible spot for assistance.

Check quality of the pump

Water is a necessity, and we cannot ignore its importance wit reference to health before we opt to supply. It is necessary to know if your water well fits the health standards or not. Schedule water testing on an annual basis or you can also go for testing if you observe unusual odor, change in color, or some other contamination.

Check on air charge

When you opt for a water pressure tank installation, do not forget to check the air charge. An optimum air charge in air bladder ensures maximum and adequate pressure. Observe the pumping time; if it exceeds more than a minute, then it is an indication that the water pressure is not sufficient. Check your tank regularly to avoid low-pressure conditions.

Display information

If you are a private well owner, you are most likely to face inspection and frequent visits by authorities to ensure their standards. It is nest to display critical information about your system to avoid the effort of finding it again and again. Information like pump brand, model, installation date, depth, technician name, and contact number can come handy to guide anyone. You can also take amp reading on the running system to ensure that things are in their proper working condition.

Clean your system

Ants and small bugs can bring a lot of trouble to your water well system. Ants and insects can eat the copper wiring of your machinery that can later become a nuisance if you do not pay attention to it. These tiny insects can cause you a permanent failure. You can check every month for loose or broken wiring and replace it. Get an insecticide spray to keep the bugs at bay for some time.

Schedule inspection

Although your system is running fine, and as an owner, you know best when it needs inspection. Getting your order through examination after six months can keep you up to date about the condition of it, the changes that you can make, and what things are missing. A regular inspection will save you from a sudden onset of troubles that a machine can have, and interrupt your work efficiency.

Be proactive

Do not wait for a disaster to happen; in fact, keep your necessary contacts aligned if your system runs into an emergency. Whenever your technician comes to check the pump, ask questions, and learn about the essential operations about your watering system. Be clear about who to call when there is a mechanical or operative issue instead of trying new technicians. Having a proper understanding of the watering system inside out will not only save money but will also keep the trouble of emergencies away.


Owning water well is exciting, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. It will help if you keep an eye for the efficiency of your system, quality of water, technician details, and water pressure tank installation. Knowing these details about your pumping system can help you with inspection visits and providing details to authorities. 


Besides blogging, the writer manages french cuisine during the day and makes art on glass or metal for a living.


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